Times Union

Shouting matches, insults, curses upend Berne's Zoom meeting

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A controversial public hearing in Berne over a proposal to expand the town Planning Board from five to seven people and to allow convicted felon and ex-judge Thomas Spargo to serve on the Planning Board, devolved into an acrimonious shouting match filled with technological glitches, unmuted microphones, and Zoom-bombing before adjourned to another date.

The raucous and unruly video-conference debate featured insults between board members, confusion over who was speaking and ultimately a foreign language being typed on the screen

Pandemic stalls Ballston's moratorium plans

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The COVID 19 pandemic has thwarted the Town of Balston’s newly elected official’s efforts to fulfill their most popular election promise - a yearlong moratorium on large building projects. Supervisor Connolly said the proposed moratorium would have halted the construction of major subdivisions, commercial and industrial developments, senior living facilities, and planned unit development districts.