The agenda for this meeting of the Town Board can be found here. There is a Public Hearing + 11 items under consideration + a Supervisor's Update:
Public Hearing
At 7pm a Public Hearing on Local Law No. 2 of 2022 which adopts rules and regulations for the Conservation Easement Exemption Program.
1. Cannabis Retail Dispensaries - Consider scheduling a Public Hearing for April 5, 2022 at 7pm on adopting Local Law No. 3 of 2022 which would repeal Local Law No. 4 of 2021 and allow for cannabis retail dispensaries in the Town.
2. Consider accepting the proposed dedication of a vacant 1.35 acre lot at the intersection of State Route 146 and Depot Road that was included as condition in the Planning Board's final approval of the Black Creek Estates subdivision as recommended by the Town Planner.
3. Consider accepting the proposed dedication of a 0.727 acre parcel for the proposed roundabout at the intersection of Interstate 87 and Crossgates Mall Road as part of the rapid bus line constructed under the Federal Small Starts Grant Program as requested by CDTA.
4. Digital Signs - Consider extending the moratorium on applications for programmable digital signs until May 24, 2022.
5. Consider adopting the resolution awarding the contract for sidewalk on West Old State Road to the lowest bidder Peter Luizzi & Brothers Contracting Inc. in the amount of $326,235.00, contingent upon NYS DOT's concurrence and approval of the proposed award.
6. Consider authorizing the expenditure of American Rescue Plan Act funds in the amount of $13,964.95 to replace the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system at EMS Substation No. 2 on Carman Road.
7. Consider approving budget modifications to the Town's 2022 budget, under NYS Town Law §112, as recommended in the memorandum submitted by the Fiscal Officer.
8. Consider establishing the 2022 Household Hazardous Waste Days for Saturday, April 16 from 8am to 2pm and Saturday, October 22 from 8am to 2pm as requested by the Transfer Station Foreman.
9. Consider authorizing the Town Supervisor to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with the Guilderland Central School District regarding school resource officers as recommended by the Chief of Police and approved by the District's Board of Education.
10. Consider authorizing the Town Supervisor to sign the professional services agreement with Delaware Engineering for the design and construction of the new EMS Substation at the entrance to the Western Turnpike Golf Course as requested by the Town Fiscal Officer.
11. Consider authorizing the Town Supervisor to sign performance contracts with artists for the 2022 season at the Guilderland Performing Arts Center as requested by the Recreation Administrative Assistant.
Supervisor's Update
1. Return to in-person meetings on March 16 with new broadcast system.
2. Sidewalk and roundabout updates
3. 2022 Park and Open Space Improvements
4. Cobblestone Schoolhouse
Zoom meeting information – The public may attend the zoom meeting (dial in only) for public comment. For blocking your phone number, use (*67), otherwise your number will be visible and televised/streamed on the zoom meeting. Dial by your location (929) 205-6099. Meeting ID: 876 9591 4931 and Passcode: 534948.
The Governor's Executive Order 11.2 related to COVID-19 allows for the attendance of meetings telephonically or other similar service and says,
"Article 7 of the Public Officers Law, to the extent necessary to permit any public body to meet and take such actions authorized by the law without permitting in public in-person access to meetings and authorizing such meetings to be held remotely by conference call or similar service, provided that the public has the ability to view or listen to such proceeding and that such meetings are recorded and later transcribed;"
Members of the public may watch the meeting on live stream on the Town website.
The public may listen and view the meeting on Verizon channel 34 and Spectrum channel 1303.