GCRG Steering Committee Virtual Meeting

Date and Time

The GCRG Steering Committee typically meets first and third Mondays every month at 7:00 PM.  However since we met on 3 times in August, including August 31, we will instead be meeting on 2nd Monday and maybe the 4th Tuesday in September.

Due to the global coronavirus pandemic we are meeting virtually.  The agenda for this meeting has not been created yet because we don't yet know what will be on the Guilderland Town Board agenda. When the agenda is ready, we will post it to this website and sending out to our mailing list.

Unless stated otherwise, the GCRG Steering Committee meetings are generally open to anyone who desires to join the Steering Committee or anyone who doesn't want to make that commitment but wishes to be involved and help support the group.

If there is something you would like to discuss at the Steering Committee or if you would like to join the GCRG Steering Committee, please let us know through our Contact Us form.

Here are the details on how to join us:

To join by phone teleconference:
Dial-in number (US): (605) 313-5879
Access code: 116506# 

To join us by online webinar:
Click this link to join the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/guilderlandcrg then sign in with your name and email address.
You shouldn't need a password to get in, but if you are asked for one it would be: 116506

You do not need to call in by phone if you allow your web browser to use your microphone and if you want us to also see you in the meeting you must allow use of your camera as well.

For additional assistance connecting to the meeting text "Help" to the Dial-In number above. Message and data rates may apply. (We have never used this "Help" so we have no idea how helpful it is.)