Special Rapp Road Working Group Virtual Meeting

Please join us for a special meeting of the Rapp Road Working Group.  The Guilderland Planning Board has scheduled a special meeting to consider accepting the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) as complete.  

At this meeting we will  be discussing what was decided and plan our next steps accordingly.  Click here to download the agenda for this meeting.(link is external)

Don't forget you can also make donations to support this effort at: http://rapproadgofundme.org/(link is external)

Here are the details on how to join us:

To join by phone teleconference:
Dial-in number (US): (605) 313-5879
Access code: 116506# 
Note this is a different access code than before.

To join us by online webinar:
Click this link to join the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/guilderlandcrg(link is external) then sign in with your name and email address.

You do not need to call in by phone if you allow your web browser to use your microphone and if you want us to also see you in the meeting you must allow use of your camera as well.

For additional assistance connecting to the meeting text "Help" to the Dial-In number above. Message and data rates may apply. (We have never used this "Help" so we have no idea how helpful it is.)

For more information on the DEIS and development itself, please see our page on development on Rapp Road, the Mall Ring Road and Western Avenue.


Event Type
Working Group Meeting
Start Date and Time